12, February 2024

Top 5 React UI Libraries in 2025

Using UI libraries can significantly speed up your development. In this article, we will explore the top 5 for your next React project.

Top 5 React UI Libraries in 2025
Arif Hossain
Arif Hossain

React remains one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for building web applications, and UI libraries play a important role in speeding up development. Using UI libraries can significantly speed up your development process and help you create consistent, high-quality user interfaces.

Fortunately, there are many React great UI libraries available that can help you achieve this. Here are the top 5 React UI libraries in 2025 that you should consider using in your next project.

1. RetroUI

RetroUI cover

If you are bored with generic looking UI libraries, you should check out RetroUI. It brings a combination of retro and modern design elements to create a unique and memorable user experience. The library is built with React and Tailwind CSS, making it easy to integrate into your existing projects.

RetroUI comes with 100+ utility components, including buttons, cards, modals, and more that you can just copy-paste into your projects.

Why use RetroUI in 2025?


Use Case

Perfect for someone looking to combine old school and modern design!

2. Chakra UI

ChakraUI cover Chakra UI has gained popularity for its simplicity and flexibility. It offers a modern, accessible, and easy-to-use components that can fit any React applications.

Why Chakra UI in 2025?

import { FormatNumber } from "@chakra-ui/react";
<FormatNumber value={1234.45} style="currency" currency="USD" />;


Use Case

Developers who don't wanna spend a lot of time on building/styling UIs, as ChakraUI has almost all the common components you can think of.

3. Shadcn/UI

Shadcn cover

Shadcn is not necessarily a UI library, but a collection of UI components that you can use to build your own UI library. It's a great starting point for building your own UI library, as it provides a lot of components that you can use and customize.

Why Use ShadCN in 2025?

Drawbacks of ShadCN

4. Hero UI

HeroUI cover

Hero UI is a relatively newer UI library that offers a wide range of base and animated components for Next.js and React applications.

Why use Hero UI in 2025?


Use Case:

If you want to make your website look and feel like Apple's, Hero UI is the go-to choice.

5. Mantine

Mentine info

Mentine is a fully featured React UI library that offers a wide range of components, hooks, and utilities for building modern web applications.

Why Mantine in 2025?

import { CodeHighlight } from "@mantine/code-highlight";
const exampleCode = `
function Button() {
  return <button>Click me</button>;
function Demo() {
  return (
      code={`// Custom copy label${exampleCode}`}
      copyLabel="Copy button code"


Use Case:

Mentine is a great choice for data intensive applications, dashboards, and admin panels.


In 2025, the React ecosystem is more vibrant than ever, with UI libraries catering to a wide range of needs. Whether you're looking for a minimal design system like Shadcn, or an bold design system like RetroUI, there's a React UI library for almost every project.

When choosing a library, consider factors like customization, performance, accessibility, and community support. Each of these top 5 libraries has its strengths, so pick the one that aligns best with your project requirements and development style.